Friday, August 28, 2009

Real Conversation with AHM- A recipient of TARP funds

Called Lender and listened to the recording.
AHM- What is the purpose of your call?
Me- I am calling to see why this client was not reviewed for the makinghomes affordable program.
AHM- This client does not qualify for the making homes affordable program
Me- Why?
AHM- They just do not qualify
Me- You need to tell us why
AHM- they do not qualify
Me- Can you send us proof of why they do not qualify, the NPV test as wellas your attempts to the investor allow the making homes affordable programmodification.
AHM- If you want to be reviewed for the making homes affordable program youwill need to submit another package
Me- That is not fair you are saying they do not qualify but you want them tosend in another package
AHM- Sorry that is the only way
Me- This is no way to treat consumers after you have received tax payermoney (in the back ground I here there rep telling a client if they want to keep the home they need to pay)
AHM- I am the manager (Robert), this client does not qualify for makinghomes affordable program due to the investor not wanting to do themodification.
Me- Can you produce your request to modify the loan with the investor
AHM- You will have to contact our resolution department by fax 866-795-6529
Me- What will this do to help the customer
AHM- any complaints go to them
Me- So are you saying that you will not offer assistance to this homeowner
AHM- We did last May we were going to modify the loan but it would doublethe payments so we declined it because they could not afford the payments
Me- So you offered assistance that did not help them
AHM- No we offered to modify the loan pursuant to CA law
Me- Excuse meAHM- We are required to offer assistance to CA homeowners and we did
Me- That is not assistance that is like throwing a drowning person a weight.
AHM- Sir this is a neg am loan these people have the lowest payment on themarket
Me- It is a time bomb and you know it
AHM- Sir I do not have time for this have a nice day.

Loan Modifications, Short Sales, Debt Consolidation, Tax Settlement and Litigation
Provided by Lugash Law Center
San Diego, CA 92106

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