Thursday, August 27, 2009

Conversation with a rep from CITI mortgage

Called CITI at 800-422-149x and was told that John was the negotiator on the file and was transferred to his extension and of course straight to voicemail.
I kept entering extensions until I was transferred back to the main line in the loss mitigation department and below is the conversation:
CITI- Hello can I get your name and loan number etc...
Me- Yes is is xyz thank you, I am calling about the status of the loan modification for this client.
CITI- I don't see anywhere in the system that we have talked to you, Have you sent in a package?
Me- Yes about 5 of them
CITI- Have you done financials over the phone?
Me- Yes 3 times and most recently last week
CITI- I see they filed bankruptcy that is why we can not find them, has it been discharged?
Me- Yes it was discharged over a year ago and you have proof of that it was sent in with the packages
CITI- Oh I see it looks as if the file was denied for a modification
Me- Why. We received a trial mod for this client
CITI- Yes but they were not approved
Me- Why did they send the package if they were not approved?
CITI- I am not sure I do not know
Me- Did you use the HAMP program?
Me- Can you show me the results of the NPV test
CITI- We do not know what that is
Me- Can I get the names of the Directors I want to write them a letter to explain how this customer is being treated
CITI- Hold on
30 minutes later
CITI- I spoke with my manager and you need to speak with John
Me- Can I get the names of the directors of CITI?
CITI- No my manager says we do not know that information

Now to me it seems as if the banks have no clue what they are doing yet they accepted our tax payer money so that they could offer programs to the American people.

It is bad enough that we are forced to help failed business in order to be offered assistance but when we as Americans are led to believe that this is the only way to get help and the help is not given it leads one to demand a refund of the money given to the banks!

Loan Modifications, Short Sales, Debt Consolidation, Tax Settlement and Litigation
Provided by Lugash Law Center
San Diego, CA 92106

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