Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Did Attorneys “TURN BAD” in 2009? What… Is There Something in the Water? - Mandelman Matters

The following quote is from Martin Andelman from his blog.
"According to the TARP agreement, that “net present value” formula, referred to as the “NPV,” is to be “transparent and disclosed”. It never is. Never. The banks say it’s “proprietary”. And yet Treasury has done nothing to enforce the requirement, which I’m told is a “violation” of administrative law”. Why not? Why not indeed.I received the above information from a Washington D.C. lobbying group that told me that they didn’t want to raise the issue because they didn’t want to anger the U.S. Treasury Department, but that I could raise the issue if I felt it worthy of being raised.They didn’t want to anger the U.S. Treasury Department by asking them why they weren’t enforcing the law, as established by the Executive Branch of the United States Government… the President of the United States. They didn’t want to anger the U.S. Treasury Department by asking them why they weren’t enforcing the law, as established by the Executive Branch of the United States Government… the President of the United States.And that’s all I’m going to say about that"

Our liberties are in our hands and I encourage all of you to voice you opposition to the banking cartel and start in your local community by recalling elected officials the that represent banks and campaign financiers over the "PEOPLE" they are elected to represent

Let us not forget that we elected them to serve us.

Did Attorneys “TURN BAD” in 2009? What… Is There Something in the Water? - Mandelman Matters

Loan Modifications, Short Sales, Debt Consolidation, Tax Settlement and Litigation
Provided by Lugash Law Center
San Diego, CA 92106

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