Monday, August 31, 2009

Call with CITI take 2

So this is a call back we received on the previous CITI post
CITI- This is Jorge with CITI can you verify xyz?
Me- Yes
CITI- It looks as if you may qualify for a modification have you made any attempts
Me- Yes last week, I am still waiting for a call back.
CITI- I do not see anything in the system
ME- They told me I was not approved for the MHP program
CITI- Sir there is nothing in the system if they ran you through it would be in here
Me- I just did this last week on the 26th and I am telling you they told me I did not qualify but they did not tell me why
CITI- Sir we use the program from the treasury and it tells you if you are approved or not
Me- It is your company's program I know you do not use a program designed by the treasury
CITI- this program is form the treasury
Me- I know the program, what do you wan from me to see if you can help
CITI- Lets go over you financials
ME- Okay.........endless going over financials
CITI- You are right sir you do not qualify
Me- Why
CITI- Sure you do not qualify because you currently cannot afford the payment
Me- MY point exactly you are supposed to bring down the rate to a floor of 2%, then extend the term up to 40 years, and or use a principle forbearance or reduction (down to market value) to make the payment low enough so the front end ratio is 31%
CITI- Sir you need to have a current ration at 31% for us to offer a modification
Me- You are wrong that is not the program
CITI- Sir we need to add what you are behind into the loan so we cannot reduce anything
Me- This is incorrect information what is you managers name?
CITI-xzy blah blah have a nice day

Again this is a company that has accepted money from us the American tax payer and delivered nothing in return.

All the media talks about attorneys accepting advanced fees and how bad that is yet it is supposed to be okay that we have given Banks Billions n advanced fees and are getting nothing in return.

The banking industry that behaves in this manner should be shamed out of existence.
Loan Modifications, Short Sales, Debt Consolidation, Tax Settlement and Litigation
Provided by Lugash Law Center
San Diego, CA 92106

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